Said M. Ibrahimi, MD, is a board-certified Neurologist and has a subspecialty board in Brain Injury Medicine, and is a Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME) in the state of California. Dr. Ibrahimi practices all fields of general neurology including stroke, and also in his sub-specialty of brain injury medicine.
Dr. Ibrahimi has been practicing the local bay area since 2015, and prior he was in private practice in Arizona for over 5 years.
Dr. Ibrahimi currently has privileges at several of the hospitals in the local south bay area and has been a stroke director of two local hospitals, helping to ensure proper compliance and delivery of quality medical care and stroke care at those facilities.
Aside from basic clinical practice, Dr. Ibrahimi also offers medical-legal services including Independent Medical Examinations and Expert Witness Review of cases.
Dr. Ibrahimi’s hospital affiliations include:
Regional Medical Center of San Jose
Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Gatos, CA
O’Conner Hospital in San Jose, CA
Seton Medical Center in Daly City, CA
Saint Louis Hospital in Gilroy, CA